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How to Eat Keto While Eating Out or at a Party

Lets Party! Oh Wait, You’re On Keto!

Going to a party or get together tonight? Awesome! But wait, you’re on keto!

No need to panic, you can have a great time with your family and friends, all the while maintaining your keto diet code. Wondering how this is possible? It’s quite simple actually, plan and be prepared before hand!

Here, you will find out how you can maintain your high fat, low-carb lifestyle, and still get to eat delicious food regardless of where you are going. Whether it’s a night out with friends, a family dinner or grabbing a quick lunch during work hours, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be socializing!

When Going to a Restaurant

If you’re planning to eat at a restaurant, it would be best if you and your party agree on one beforehand. This will allow you to check out their online menu and see what suits you best. A lot of restaurants nowadays offer keto-friendly options and if not, you can always improvise:

  • Go for items on the menu that are sugar free, low in carbs and high in fat
  • Ditch the pastas, the breads, buns, rice and the potatoes
  • Go for a salad with lots of olive oil on top
  • Add toppings that are low in carbs, such as avocados, olives, bacon, shrimps, chicken, cheese and hard boiled eggs 
  • Order a burger or a sandwich but, without the bun/bread
  • Go for a lettuce wrap for your sandwiches and burgers 


Make a Stand!

Ask the waiter if they allow modifications to their menu items, if so, go crazy with the high fat, moderate protein and low carbs combos!

If the place consists of people who won’t serve you what YOU want, take matters into your own hands. Put aside or throw away the starchy and high-carb stuff! Do this before you dig-in to eliminate the temptation.


Go for the Fat!

Remember, keto is all about fulfilling your hunger without consuming carbs and protein. Because restaurant meals can be low in fat, you will have to do some additions of your own, such as:

  • Ask for extra butter or olive oil on your salads and meats
  • Go for sauces that contain high levels of fat and little-to-no sugar
  • Switch up the dessert with a coffee or tea, and add extra cream
  • Go for decaf (with lots of cream) if you don’t want to drink coffee late at night
  • If you have to have an alcoholic drink, go for dry wine, red wine, light beer or club soda
  • Still hungry? Order a berry plate with rich cream or a coffee with lots of butter 


No Reason to Break the Streak!

Now you know what you have to do in order to stick with your keto diet even if you are going to a party. There are always options and because keto diet gives you so many options, you will always have a spot at the table with your friends and family!

How to Begin Keto Diet: 10 Things You Should Know

Thinking of Starting Keto? Stop & Read This First!

Everyone is jumping on the keto diet band wagon, especially due to it getting mainstream attention from celebrities and social media personalities.

The weight loss and other health benefits it offers has more and more people getting interested in starting keto. 

However, what most beginners don’t realize is that keto diet is not something you just jump into. There are a few things that need to be considered beforehand. If you too are interested in ‘going keto’, take a moment to learn some important thing about this diet.

Beginning keto diet is more than just devouring loads of cream, butter and bacon!

There are a few important things you need to look at, such as:  

  • Consulting with your doctor or health care professional first
  • Consider your pre-existing health problems
  • If you have any health issues, can you do keto without harming your health?
  • Are you ready to commit to a strict code of eating?

Once you have taken the above into consideration and are serious about starting keto, let’s move on to the next step.


10 Things to Keep in Mind When Starting Keto

Now that you have made up your mind about jumping on the keto diet ship, here are 10 things to know before you get started:

  • Note down which foods you are allowed and NOT allowed to eat. This is key as keto is all about what you eat! 
  • You will be eating a LOT of fat, and not the bad kind. Keto is also all about quality over quantity!
  • Keto takes time, so be patient. If you are in it for the weight loss, remember, going slow and steady is healthier and sustainable in the long run. 
  • Ketosis is different for every individual. For you, it can happen faster or it may take longer as compared to others. 
  • With keto you will always be eating fresh, so throw out all the processed food. Plan your meals ahead of time and you won’t lose your way.
  • Bulletproof coffee is your best keto-friend. Keep your hunger under control as you plan your next meal by mixing coffee with butter and coconut oil. 
  • The keto flu is coming! Yes, expect to feel a bit slower and lethargic in the first 10 days of going keto. So start your diet when you are least expecting obligations and deadlines.
  • Normal side effects of keto include constipation, lots of farting, and bad breath. So, make sure you are getting lots of water, sodium and potassium to keep your body functions normal. 
  • There is nothing wrong with stopping if you are having health issues after starting keto. If your healthcare professional had asked you not to go on a keto diet, then perhaps it is time to pay heed to that warning!
  • Remember, keto is not for long term, so have an after plan ready before you start. The ultimate goal usually is to get you towards eating healthy.


Now that you know the most important things before starting keto, you are ready to begin.

Thinking of Starting Keto? Stop & Read This First!

Everyone is jumping on the keto diet band wagon, especially due to it getting mainstream attention from celebrities and social media personalities. The weight loss and other health benefits it offers has more and more people getting interested in starting keto. 

However, what most beginners don’t realize is that keto diet is not something you just jump into. There are a few things that need to be considered beforehand. If you too are interested in ‘going keto’, take a moment to learn some important thing about this diet.

Beginning keto diet is more than just devouring loads of cream, butter and bacon!

There are a few important things you need to look at, such as:  

  • Consulting with your doctor or health care professional first
  • Consider your pre-existing health problems
  • If you have any health issues, can you do keto without harming your health?
  • Are you ready to commit to a strict code of eating?

Once you have taken the above into consideration and are serious about starting keto, let’s move on to the next step.


10 Things to Keep in Mind When Starting Keto

Now that you have made up your mind about jumping on the keto diet ship, here are 10 things to know before you get started:

  • Note down which foods you are allowed and NOT allowed to eat. This is key as keto is all about what you eat! 
  • You will be eating a LOT of fat, and not the bad kind. Keto is also all about quality over quantity!
  • Keto takes time, so be patient. If you are in it for the weight loss, remember, going slow and steady is healthier and sustainable in the long run. 
  • Ketosis is different for every individual. For you, it can happen faster or it may take longer as compared to others. 
  • With keto you will always be eating fresh, so throw out all the processed food. Plan your meals ahead of time and you won’t lose your way.
  • Bulletproof coffee is your best keto-friend. Keep your hunger under control as you plan your next meal by mixing coffee with butter and coconut oil. 
  • The keto flu is coming! Yes, expect to feel a bit slower and lethargic in the first 10 days of going keto. So start your diet when you are least expecting obligations and deadlines.
  • Normal side effects of keto include constipation, lots of farting, and bad breath. So, make sure you are getting lots of water, sodium and potassium to keep your body functions normal. 
  • There is nothing wrong with stopping if you are having health issues after starting keto. If your healthcare professional had asked you not to go on a keto diet, then perhaps it is time to pay heed to that warning!
  • Remember, keto is not for long term, so have an after plan ready before you start. The ultimate goal usually is to get you towards eating healthy.


Now that you know the most important things before starting keto, you are ready to begin.

Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects of Keto Diet

What is Keto Good For?

Believe it or not but keto diet is the most popular diet of the decade. It’s swooping news outlets and social media platforms all over the world. With more and more people boasting how it helped them lose weight and beat obesity (including celebs), there is no stopping its popularity.

However, keto diet is more than just a weight loss regimen, it is a strict code of eating. The do’s and dont’s of keto are what make it stand out from the rest of the diet-crowd. 

If you too are interested in going keto, here are some health benefits you can count on:

  • Improves in cardiovascular health
  • Protects and boosts brain functionality
  • Helps reduce seizures
  • May reduce risks of cancer
  • Helps women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Reduces some cases of acne
  • Can aid in weight loss for anyone with obesity

As you can see, the health benefits of keto are there for grabs. All you have to do is commit to it!


What Side Effects to Expect when Going Keto!

Even though keto may seem like a simple diet, it is quite complicated for your body to adjust to. After all, you are changing your body’s fuel source from carbohydrates to fats, sending it into a state of ketosis.

Depending on your body’s ability to cope with internal chemical changes, chances are you may have a smooth sailing when boarding the keto ship.

However, for some, it can be a bit rocky as they may face some mild side effects, such as:

  • Keto flu (the most common side effect)
  • Weakness and irritability
  • Feeling too thirsty and hungry
  • Intense sugar withdrawal cravings
  • Light headedness & poor concentration
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea (rare!)
  • Lowered libido


Remember, these are short term side-effects and normally only occur during the first 10 days of starting the keto diet. As you continue with the diet, your body adapts to the changes, and you can totally expect the side effects to go away.

You can lower the intensity of the side effects by:

  • Drinking lots of water and electrolytes
  • Reducing alcoholic and caffeinated beverages
  • Getting plenty of sleep

It is important to note that if you feel these side effects are not going away, you need to consult with your doctor or healthcare professional right away.