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What is Keto Good For?

Believe it or not but keto diet is the most popular diet of the decade. It’s swooping news outlets and social media platforms all over the world. With more and more people boasting how it helped them lose weight and beat obesity (including celebs), there is no stopping its popularity.

However, keto diet is more than just a weight loss regimen, it is a strict code of eating. The do’s and dont’s of keto are what make it stand out from the rest of the diet-crowd. 

If you too are interested in going keto, here are some health benefits you can count on:

  • Improves in cardiovascular health
  • Protects and boosts brain functionality
  • Helps reduce seizures
  • May reduce risks of cancer
  • Helps women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Reduces some cases of acne
  • Can aid in weight loss for anyone with obesity

As you can see, the health benefits of keto are there for grabs. All you have to do is commit to it!


What Side Effects to Expect when Going Keto!

Even though keto may seem like a simple diet, it is quite complicated for your body to adjust to. After all, you are changing your body’s fuel source from carbohydrates to fats, sending it into a state of ketosis.

Depending on your body’s ability to cope with internal chemical changes, chances are you may have a smooth sailing when boarding the keto ship.

However, for some, it can be a bit rocky as they may face some mild side effects, such as:

  • Keto flu (the most common side effect)
  • Weakness and irritability
  • Feeling too thirsty and hungry
  • Intense sugar withdrawal cravings
  • Light headedness & poor concentration
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea (rare!)
  • Lowered libido


Remember, these are short term side-effects and normally only occur during the first 10 days of starting the keto diet. As you continue with the diet, your body adapts to the changes, and you can totally expect the side effects to go away.

You can lower the intensity of the side effects by:

  • Drinking lots of water and electrolytes
  • Reducing alcoholic and caffeinated beverages
  • Getting plenty of sleep

It is important to note that if you feel these side effects are not going away, you need to consult with your doctor or healthcare professional right away.