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It’s Time to Do Some Serious Explaining!

There is no denying the fact that people are not comfortable when one of their own makes a big change in their life. This is especially true when it comes to diet, as the most common hangouts and get-togethers are at restaurants, bars or cafes. 

So when that fateful day comes where you are going out with your friends or family for the first time after going Keto, you better be ready to do some explaining.

But, you need not worry. This is your life and your health, and you need to take care of it regardless of what other have to say.

“Yes, I’m Going All Fat from Now On!”

The biggest and most annoying response you need to be prepared for is, ‘You only eat bacon, cheese and butter! Gross!’, and here’s another one, ‘Won’t all that fat make you, FAT?!’

Well, you can’t expect everyone to go on Google and research keto diet and its benefits so you will have to do some explaining of your own. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when explaining your new eating habit:

  • Remember to stay positive and be patient with the questions
  • Be educative, let them know what keto is all about
  • Tell them how good you feel as compared to before 
  • Let them know about all the healthy food you eat, even the healthy fat!
  • Never try to enforce your way of eating on others
  • Let others eat what they want to

New habits are always easy to incorporate when you are at home. The problem arises when you are surrounded by people who don’t share your eating style. There will be people who might be genuinely interested in what you’re doing, some will be indifferent. 

How to Explain?

Just like with keto, you need to be prepared beforehand. Know your audience with whom you will be interacting with. This will allow you to be better prepared on how to respond, and when the time comes, here’s what you need to do:

  • Be clear when you explain what keto diet is 
  • Let them know about the numerous food items you can eat
  • Tell them why you won’t be eating some of the food anymore
  • State clearly the benefits of eating what you eat
  • Pay extra emphasis on the health damaging effects of the foods you are no longer consuming
  • Give examples of people who have successfully followed the keto diet to lead a healthier life
  • Tell them about your own experience, how energetic, strong and healthier you feel
  • Show them how much weight you have lost by focusing on eating wholesome foods

Even if someone keeps pestering you after all this explanation, the best course of action would be to ask them (nicely!) to let you be. 

This is your life, your health, and you have made this decision to change your life for the better!