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Welcome to the Mythical Land of Keto!

Whenever something, or someone, starts getting mainstream attention, myths and stories will be told to either promote or devalue it. The same applies to the keto diet as myths have risen to form around this way of eating, preventing a lot of people from taking advantage of its benefits.

Here are 5 biggest myths about keto you need to know about:

Myth 1. Keto Diet Has an On/Off Switch at Your Leisure!

Keto is not just a simple ‘eat this, not that’ diet, you can do whenever you want to. It’s a way of life as it changes how you manage your food intake for each and every meal. Know that keto only works when your body reaches a certain state of ketosis, and that’s only achievable by following a strict code of eating.

If you are doing keto for the weight loss, even if you lose some weight at first, you will gain it all back if you make stops in between and start eating junk food! 

Myth 2. You Get to Eat ALL the Fat You Want!

This cannot be further from the truth! Just because keto is all about eating low-carb / high-fat meals, it does NOT mean you can eat as much as you want. You really think it will help your health if you ate a pound of cheese with a pound of bacon?

Yes, keto requires you to have a fat-rich diet. But, you have to make sure that the fat you’re consuming is heart healthy and unsaturated. 

Myth 3. Keto Won’t Let Your Eat Fruits and Vegetables!

Another one of the biggest myths that’s totally bogus!

Keto does require that you cut down on the carbohydrates to a minimum, however, you are still required to eat some. These are whole, unprocessed foods, necessary to eat so you can get your fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

Yes, there are some fruits and vegetables that are considerably high in carbs and starch, so you’ll have to avoid them. Remember, one of the side-effects of keto is constipation so you have to eat some of the produce to avoid it!

Myth 4. You Get to Eat a Lot of Protein!

People often mistake the keto diet for Atkins diet, which has given birth to this particular myth. Because keto is all about making your body consume the fat, eating a larger portion of protein would nullify that. This is because excess protein is turned into glucose, which results in your body coming out of ketosis. Even though the protein’s amino acids can be broken down into ketones, it can backfire if the person is already on a keto diet, resulting in an unhealthy surge of ketones. 

Myth 5. There is No Other Way But the Keto Way, to Lose Weight!

Just because you have read about or seen videos of people losing weight by following the keto diet, doesn’t mean it will work for you as well. Keto makes some major changes in the way your body manages its fuel source. Some people can adjust easily, while some find it difficult, and then there are those for whom it is not recommended at all.

Bottom line: before you jump on the keto band wagon to lose weight, make sure you’re not under any misconceptions about the diet.