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If You Want to Do Keto, Do It Right!

Have you been following the latest trends on social media about weight loss and healthy eating? If so then chances are you know what keto diet is.

Even if you don’t, it’s quite simple, you forego the old ways of eating and incorporate a new diet where you eat more fat, moderate amounts of protein, and very little carbs.

Even the biggest celebrities in Hollywood and other parts of the world are going full on keto. However, before you commit to this strict regimen, there are some common mistakes that a lot of beginners (and even oldies!) make…

Here are 3 of the most common keto mistakes you should avoid:

Mistake #1: Shifting to Keto the Abruptly

A lot of people make the mistake of cutting their carbohydrates intake and upping their fat way too quickly. If you’re eating burgers, pizzas, pasta and gulping down on fizzy drinks one day and change your habits the very next day, chances are this drastic change will not go well with your body.

Instead, before you go full on keto, start by slowly reducing the amount of carbs and protein you eat, and increasing the fatty foods gradually. This way, over time, your body will adapt to the change more easily. 

Mistake #2: Not Eating Enough Fat & Cutting Down on the Fresh Produce

The whole point of the keto diet is to make fat your body’s primary fuel source. This state is called ketosis and it can only be achieved when you consume more fat than protein and carbs. If you are not doing so, chances are you won’t reach this required state and your keto-diet will fail. So, start by sourcing your fat consumption from good quality items. 

Just because the keto diet asks you to consume more fat, it does NOT mean that you ignore fruits and vegetables. After all, your body needs the nutrients, vitamins, fiber and minerals from fresh produce as they’re important to your health. This is especially true for your digestive system as keto-followers often complain about constipation. 

Mistake #3: Not Having Enough Water

Because the keto diet reduces your intake of carbohydrates, you will be losing a lot of water in your body. This can result in dehydration and constipation. Remember, you are changing your body’s fuel source so it too can shift the electrolyte balance in your body. T counter these side-effects, you need to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. 

Now that you know about the 3 biggest mistakes of a keto dieter, you can start your keto-journey with a higher chance of success! Best of Luck!