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Your Wallet is Not as Fat as Keto! 

One of the things that comes to mind whenever you start a diet is, ‘this is going to be expensive!’. And before you know it, the diet ends before it even begins. The same goes for when people think about going keto. A lot of people think it might be expensive as well, however it does not have to be the case. 

Remember, keto is all about quality over quantity so you know you are only buying what you need to fulfill your dietary requirements. All it takes is a little pre-planning and you will be good to go with your keto diet. 

To help you get started, here are 10 tips that can help you stay within your budget: 

  1. Keep Your Eyes Open for Discounts & Offers

Whenever you visit a grocery store or are passing by one, make sure to take a look. Chances are they might have some deals that can save you a lot of money. This is especially true when items are about to reach their expiration date. If you are certain that you will be able to utilize that particular item before it expires, go ahead and get it.

  1. Stop Spending on Unnecessary Beverages

This is important, if you’re spending more on coffee than food in a single day, you’ll go over budget. Grabbing a bottle of your favorite (and expensive!) wine every other day or having $5 latte everyday isn’t a good idea either. 

Let go of these unnecessary drinks and incorporate water as your go to beverage. If you feel like you need a morning caffeine boost, make your own tea or coffee and take it with you in a travel mug.

  1. Do Bulk Shopping

There are stores that have grocery items on wholesale prices, so skip going to the closest store near your house. If you wish to save up on your hard earned money and still have quality food for your keto diet, stock up on items that you know you’ll need on a daily basis. 

  1. Cook in Advance and Freeze Up

Now that you have bought all the grocery, it’s time to start cooking. The best way is to cook in advance and freeze. This is called batch cooking and it ensures that you’ll have something to snack on or eat at any given time. By freezing, none of your food will go to waste, saving you money!

  1. Make a Shopping List and Stick to It

Before you leave for shopping, make sure that you have made a list of things you need. Assert yourself to stick to the list. This way you won’t deviate and buy stuff you don’t need. 

  1. Use a Vacuum Sealer 

You will need to make space in your refrigerator for the bulk food, so why not get a vacuum sealer! 

By vacuum sealing the food, not only will you be able to prevent freezer burn, you will also have more space in the freezer. 

  1. Online Shopping Can Save You a Lot!

Your local stores won’t have deals and discounts all year round time. This is why you need to go online for low priced items you need for your keto diet. Amazon is a good option as they have items at a much lower cost, shipping included!

  1. No Need to Buy the Expensive Meat!

Yes, you need protein but not as much that you purchase the expensive cuts. Go for the affordable ones like ground beef, chicken thighs, eggs, nitrate-free bacon, tilapia or cod.

  1. Always Prepare Your Meals at Home

By preparing your meals at home, you will not only be saving money, but also preventing yourself from consuming unnecessary added sugars, artificial colors and additives. 

  1. Don’t Buy Cut Vegetables, Fruits or Meats

If you check the prices between whole and pre-cut items, there will be a significant difference. Take out time to do some chopping and cutting on your own. It will be kinder to your wallet!

There’s no reason why a keto diet should cost you a fortune. Follow these topics for doing keto on a budget.